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fiction, nonfiction, and poetry
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Thank you to everyone who entrusted their work to us. We'll be busy over the next few weeks reviewing what looks like a record number of submissions for our Fall/Winter issue, due out in November.
We will open for reading again in the fall.
Be sure to check out our 手机谷歌上网助手破解版 page and our Soundcloud channel for samples of our selections.
Our Values: Community
Our family of contributors has made us what we are today. Every one of their successes is cause for celebration. Look for updated news of our contributors in our social feeds and in special features.Our Values: Transparency
Publishing is a big, confusing beast. How does the work happen? Where does the money get used? With each issue, our transparency index tells you where we used our available funds, and why.加速器官网- tiktok加速器永久免费版
We want writers to go on publishing. So we pay the writer and everyone involved in the production of our magazine. And to keep the overall body of work fresh, we’ll never solicit: 100% of our work is from the open queue. Finally, to keep writers moving forward, we provide feedback, if requested, in our prose departments.加速器官网- tiktok加速器永久免费版
A One-Year Subscription - digital ($8.99) or print ($30.00)
Issue 18 - digital ($3.99) or print ($10.99)
Issue 17 - digital ($3.99) or print ($10.99)
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